From The Philosophy Bistro To The Shanty

Well, hello there.

I am so glad to have you here and I’m dying to tell you my inspiration for this blog.

There are many, many great blogs out there but I have one favorite out of all of them:  Robert’s Philosophy Bistro.  Like Robert himself, his blog is funny, witty, and charming.  Robert is also one of the best writers I know.  In fact, I am lucky to know him personally and can attest to what a gentleman he is, and what a perfect reflection of the man his blog is.  It is therefore my goal to create a blog space that reflects me and my life, too.

So of course I’m going to pay Robert that ultimate compliment and liberally steal from his blog format.  The Philosophy Bistro is more than just Robert’s stellar writing.  He also includes recipes and drawings and doodles and scribbled notes and (that blogger luxury) guest writers.  The Philosophy Bistro is the most wonderful of virtual spaces, where Robert invites us to stop by to visit and read and listen and think and learn and be entertained and also be challenged.  Read his recent piece on Becoming A Character and tell me you don’t love it.

I endeavor to write like Robert.  I’m still working on it.  But I can mimic his virtual space, one that so captures his personality; mine is Pappy’s Shanty.  Where Robert’s entrees are philosophies, I dabble in a different kind of words.  I’m really more of a tinkerer with words.  I kind of report on things and then ask for comments.  Robert and I are alike in one area, though:  we both want to start a conversation.

So please accept my official welcome to Pappy’s Shanty.  I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you’ll come back.  Many times.
